Saturday, November 30, 2019

Small and Medium Scale Business Marketing Strategies and Ideas free essay sample

Also, I will like to thank my parents for their immense provision and support. I will like to appreciate Pressy Ebimobowei Waratimi the Deputy CEO and founder of Rakeone Music, Rakeone Films and Rakeone TV for his immense support. I like to thank Slimface Ebiye Romeo the CEO of Romeos Artisthood. My express deep gratitude goes to my lovely friends Midian-Dicey Biyen, Kio Mikietuoniso, Gabriel Alari Benson, Samuel Oluku, Itong Washington Uwowa, Babema Tonye Amaye with others too numerous to mention. DEDICATION This book is dedicated to God Almighty. COPYRIGHT RESERVED I would be revealing to you in this free article various strategies on how to go about marketing your business to your business area, city, state, country and the world at large. The essence of this, is to fetch you many customers inorder to boost your income. I would be revealing to you also, online business marketing (E marketing) strategies. We will write a custom essay sample on Small and Medium Scale Business Marketing Strategies and Ideas or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the smartest things a small or medium business owner can do for their business is to take the time to develop a marketing plan that will set them apart from their competitors. MARKETING PLAN One of the smartest things a small or medium business owner can do for their usiness is to take the time to develop a marketing plan that will set them apart from their competitors. A marketing plan clearly outlines how you will reach your ideal clients by effectively implementing your marketing strategy. You can choose marketing strategies below to make up your marketing plan. 1 MARKETING STRATEGIES AND IDEAS The various strategies and ideas on how to go about marketing your small or medium scale business are therefore explained below; MARKETING MATERIALS 1. Create or update your business cards. 2. Make your business card stand out from the rest. 3. Create or update your brochure fliers and stickers. . Create your website, wordpress or a blogspot. 5. Create a digital version of your broc hure for your website, wordpress or blogspot. IN-PERSON NETWORKING 1. Register and attend a business conference. 2. Introduce yourself to other local business owners. 3. Plan a local business workshop or conference to showcase your product or service. 4. Rent a booth at a trade show and showcase your product. ADVERTISING 1. Advertise on the radio: Many people think it is very expensive to advertise on the radio. I assure you it is definitely not, why not go and take a survey at various Radio Stations. 2. If you have the money you can advertise on a billboard. 3. Use stickers to advertise on your car, or you can give to people to put on their cars. 2 4. Advertise in your local news paper. You can go for a cheap rate; it’s not all that expensive. 5. Advertise on a local TV station. COUPONS AND INCENTIVES Coupon simply means a voucher or ticket entitling the holder to a discount off a particular product. According to www. businessdictionary. com Incentive simple means a monetary gift or bonus given to an employee based on his or her performance, which is thought of as one way to entice the employee to continue delivering positive results. . Start a contest. 2. Create a coupon. 3. Create a buyer reward program by using the created coupon. 4. Give out free gifts mostly towards the end of the year. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 1. Send out a customer satisfaction survey. 2. Help promote or volunteer your time for charity event. 3. Send birthday sms or holiday sms to your clients. EMPLOYEE B EHAVIOUR 1. Train your staffs on how to welcome, approach and be of a good behaviour to your clients. This will go a long way to bring more clients. 3 OFFICE OR SHOP APPEARANCE The appearance of your office or shop should be arranged well and not in a scattered manner you know what I mean. Your office or business premises should be painted with a very nice colour and should be repainted if the painted is faded or dirtied. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 1. Get started with social media for business. 2. Create a facebook page. 3. Create a twitter account. 4. Create a facebook group. 5. Create a facebook ad (they do charge money). 6. Create account on different online forums, e. g. www. advertise. ng. com, www. nigerianbusinessforums. com, www. gnbo. com. ng, www. nairaland. com, www. naijagreen. com www. hopenigeria. com, www. nairaland. com, www. forumotion. com, www. nigerianbestforum. com, www. ebsitenigera. com, www. allnigeriansites. com, www. newnigerians. com, www. allnigeria. com, www. perfspot. com, www. nigerdeltaforum. com, www. nairasource. com, www. boomdizzle. com, www. veengle. com, www. zimbio. com, www. naijavoice. com, www. vanguardngr. com, www. allnaija. com, www. afroterminal. com, www. naijafinder. com, www. onlinenigeria. com, www. nigerianwebsuccess. com, www. naijaurban. com, www. naijaelites. com, www. naijacyberforum. com, www. habnaija. com, www. gistmania. com All you need do is to create an account†¦. log unto it†¦. go to business forum†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦click on it and click on start new topic†¦.. Post about your 4 business†¦.. don’t forget to include your phone number and email. INTERNET MARKETING 1. Create account with www. youtube. com 2. Upload your business video advertisement (The one you give to TV stations): Steps – After creating account with youtube†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Log unto youtube with your email and password†¦. look around the website you will see upload†¦.. click on it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦a screen will show up asking you to choose a file, go to where you save the video file and click ok†¦.. enter a title†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. after upload is finished you will be given a link†¦.. you can copy and paste the link to your facebook wall, page and group. . Online Business Directory Listings: All you need do is to go to the various online business directories listing 5 websites that I will give to you below, you can find more yourself. Each country has their own. Online business directory listing is an online business website showing different kin ds of businesses, companies, firms (including their various info, addresses, phone numbers, etc). With these an individual can go to this websites to look for a company that can do a specific job for him or her, take the phone number and call or can take your address and locate your office. Online business directory will drive some of its visitors to your business. Note: One of the workers of the websites might contact you inorder to get some info from you before your company, business, firm can be listed in their websites. This is free of charge. The websites are; www. vconnect. com, www. nigerianyellowpages. com, www. onlinebusinessdirectorynigeria. com, www. nigeriangalleria. com, 5 www. lagosdirectoryonline. com, www. mynigeriareview. com, www. nigeriapagesonline. com, www. uknigeriabusinesses. com, www. nigerianbusinesspages. com, www. ngclassified. om, www. naijaonlinemart. com, www. finelib. com. EMAIL MARKETING 1. Have an email list of your clients 2. Start and send a free monthly email newsletter to your emails. CONCLUSION: You can make your marketing plan by choosing any of the various marketing strategies. If you can afford, you can do hire a marketing consultant, public relations professional, internet guru, etc to help you in the given marketing strategies. THE END Thanks for reading, I hope this will go a long way in helping you plan for your Business Marketing. GOD BLESSES YOU Contact me via 08136194354 6

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Aggressive Children and Violent Video Games

Aggressive Children and Violent Video Games Free Online Research Papers Since video games were first introduced in the 1970s they have become a popular important activity for children and teens as well as quite a few adults. Since globalization took place and internet and computers spread all over the world the access for getting and playing violent games started to increase and children begin to have the ability to play violent games more than before. it became a habit they do every day that made them ignore more important things during the day like (studying , etc†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) , in the 1990 s video games started in Egypt with killing games like ( motor compact , street fighter wolfenstein 3D ) and this games the main tasks is to kill and wound , graphics e.g. (Blood), sound e.g.( scream ). Mainly these video games that contains sounds and graphics were the introduction to violent games although there were other games that don’t contain violence like sports games (Fifa) and games that need to think to reach a level of success like (Commandos, Age of Empires) but they ignored all these games and they got interested to the violent games only which became the most important game and target to success. As violent video games became an important thing to children, it became a problem that faces the parents and children so through researches and methodologys we will try to solve this problem and make people aware of its dangerous. When Children find that when they always win while playing they act as they play in there lifes which made them behave violently and like these video games that make them act by this wrong way due to its violence, this videos make them abstract the same form of violence they see which they think its right because it made them win and feel grateful and proud of themselves for winning that’s why they act this way during day. Researches found that violent video games affect children brain leads them to act in more creation in amygdale, which has relation to emotions those children act in violent way more than non violent children. Literature review According to Jeroen S. Brad J. (2006),in this study we examine what kinds of individuals are most attention to violent video games were its enjoyed by young males and we considered different individuals including trait aggressiveness, empathy education level and game addiction, and their relation to violent video games. These researchers followed the hypothesis they use the survey method that measured trait aggressiveness, empathy and video game addiction. Aggressiveness measure was 0.79, empathy measure was 0.67 and game addiction measure was 0.92.They resulted that lower educated boys wanted to play both violent and non-violent video games more than did higher educated boys. The more empathic boys were, the more they wanted to play non-violent video games, the higher the level of trait aggressiveness in boys, the more time they spend playing video games. They found the three most popular games between young boys were all violent ones (grand theft auto, counter strike, and call of duty). In line with these findings Craigs A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman (2001), violent video game increases aggressive behavior in children and adults. Experimental and non experimental studies with males and females support this. Analyses also expose that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. Playing violent video games also decreases prosaically behavior. In this research they use research question and they use method sample. Through studies they examined the effects of playing violent video games on aggressive cognition, Aggressive affect, aggressive behavior, physiological arousal, or pro social behavior. They use 3 characteristics for each study (a) gender (b) age (adults18 years old or children >18 years old), (c) type of study (experimental or non experimental), and (d) publication status. The results of the dependent measures was for the Aggression behavior the 33 independent tests of the relation between vid eo-game violence and aggression, involving 3,033 participants, the average effect size was positive and significant, r +=19, Pro social Behavior eight independent tests of the relation between violent video games and pro social behavior, involving 676 participants average effect that was negative and significant r+=-16, Aggressive Cognition 20 independent tests of the relation between video-game violence and aggressive cognition, involving 1,495 participants, an average effect that was positive and significant_ =.27, Aggressive Affect their were 17 independent tests of the relation between video-game violence and aggressive affect, involving 1,151 participants, also a significant positive effect, r+=.18, and the last measure is Physiological Arousal seven independent tests of the link between video-game violence and physiological arousal, involving 395 participants, showed that exposure to violent video games increased physiological arousal, r+=.22 Definition The article follows more specific meanings common to media-violence researchers. Violent Media Violent media are those that represent intentional effort by individuals to cause danger on others. An â€Å"individual† can be a nonhuman cartoon character, a real person, or anything in between. As a result, traditional cartoons (e.g., â€Å"Mighty Mouse,† â€Å"Tom and Jerry†) are filled with violence. Aggression Aggression refers to behavior that is intended to cause harm. It may be directed outward, against others or against the self. It may be driven by emotional arousal. Violence Violence refers to extreme forms of aggression, such as physical attack. All violence is aggression, but not all aggression is violence. These results was consistent with hypothesis that exposure to violent video games create a public-health threat to children and youths. Exposure is positively related with heightened levels of aggression in young adults and children, in experimental and non experimental designs, and in males and females. Exposure is negatively associated with pro social behavior. Matthew, s. eastin (2006).video game violence and female game player: self-and opponent gender effects on presence and aggressive thoughts. Human communication research. 0360-3989, 351-372, there were tests conducted in order to achieve the positive outcome of games forming aggressive behaviors amongst teenage girls and boys, the studies are composed of the main player and an opponent, a type of opponent, local environment and aggressive behavioral thinking that was formed up from the violent images the game projects. the first two case studies which is numbers 1 and 2 tells us that females who play video games tend to feel a more in depth reality when playing and that they tend to be more aggressive then that of boy that play the same game. While case studies 3 and 4 tells us that players who play against each other forms up a more increased aggressive behavior towards each other, rather then playing against an AI (artificial intelligence) opponent. In this research they use s ample and use hypothesis and research question. While in the past, computer games were more aimed towards male players since 1995 and that aggressive behavior started to grow large in reports after the next two years, around 40% to be prà ©cised. Later research shows that more games have been produced to meet up to the requirements of both male and female players and that their response to video game violence is relatively similar. Another research shows that games recently have been more aimed towards females, giving them a more feeling of being aggressive and that the population will be having a high number of violent young women who ever experiences these violent video games. Another research case study indicates that players who play long term game relations such as RPG (Role Playing Games), tend to reflect the game character’s personality into the player’s ones self. In other words, the player will try to imitate or completely mimic every aspect of a game character’s personality and story role. This case has been conducted and shows that this form of behavior is vastly demonstrated amongst female players, and with newer technologies of multi game playing, a single female player can create completely new game character that can portray their feelings and personality. Such as story roles, Skills, abilities, clothing they wear, physical appearance and so fort, this all can be generated by the player. With all these possibilities, a player can even identify them selves by the use of gender characteristics or even racial identification, and if by possible means the player may identify their personality and attitude to match with their generated character, they can even portray them selves as the character in-game, thus if they encounter situations that their character is meeting a hostile situation with another character generated by a completely different player, they will end up forming aggressive thoughts and behaviors towards each other and that the possible out come may even carry on with in the player’s thoughts out side of the game. According to Craig A. Anderson Karen E. Dill (1999).On April 20, 1999, Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold launched an assault on columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, murdering 13 and hurtful 23 before turn the guns on themselves. However its too difficult to determine exactly what makes these teens to attack their own classmates and teachers, many factors might be concerned. One possible causative factor is violent video games. Harris and Klebold enjoyed playing the bloody, shoot-em-up video game Doom, a game accredited by the U.S.military to train soldiers to efficiently kill. In this research they tested the correlation of Video Game violence effects, they choose a sample of two hundred twenty-seven (87males, 149 females) undergraduates from an introduction psychology course at a large Midwestern university. All members of this sample were not obligated to participate in psychological research. Results Preliminary Analysis Formation of Individual Difference Composites Correlation analysis on the individual difference measures of aggression indicated no problem items (e.g., items that were negatively correlated with the scale) on either of the two scales. Coefficient alphas indicated that each of the two scales was internally reliable. Alphas were .88 for the CIS and .90 for the AQ. The CIS and AQ were strongly correlated (r =.81, p < .001). Past research in our lab has revealed that the CIS and the AQ load on the same latent Aggressive Personality factor (Dill et al., 1997).Therefore; we formed a single aggressive personality score by averaging the CIS and AQ scores. According to Dr. Vincent Mathews, a professor of radiology at the university, his study recommended that playing a specific kind of video games may have dissimilar short term effects on brain function than playing nonviolent or interesting video games. He added that what the examined raising in emotional arousal, he resulted also that violent action caused from playing violent video games. Although the researcher expect to examine extra research on the long-term effects of violent video games experience and the benefit of these brain functioning diversity. Video games are lucrative business and are worth in excess of $10 billion in sales in the U.S. alone. References Lemmens, Bushman, Cyber Psychology Behavior, Oct2006, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p638-641. ( ( (,George Miller, (2005) citation: Huitt w. (2003) Research Papers on Aggressive Children and Violent Video GamesEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Hockey GameCapital PunishmentInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is Art

Friday, November 22, 2019

Main Verbs and Simple Sentences

Main Verbs and Simple Sentences Main Verbs and Simple Sentences Main Verbs and Simple Sentences By Maeve Maddox Many grammatical concepts that U.S. students used to learn in school have slipped into a twilight of things vaguely understood but still sometimes wondered about. Among the most basic concepts that high school students once graduated knowing were the four kinds of English sentence: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Because of its name, a simple sentence would seem to be the easiest to identify. Apparently not. A reader asked me about a sentence her child had been asked to identify as to kind: Harry bent down and picked them up one by one, dropping them back in the boxes. The reader thought the sentence might be complex because â€Å"‘dropping them back in the boxes’ is a dependent clause.† The sentence, however, is simple. To make this clear, a review of terms is called for. Clause: A clause is a group of words having a subject and a predicate. Predicate: The predicate is what is said about the subject. The predicate will contain a main verb. Main verb: A main verb shows tense. Such a verb is called a finite verb. Independent clause: An independent clause is made up of a subject and predicate that make sense standing alone as a sentence. Another name for an independent clause is main clause. That takes care of the terms; now for the analysis. Dropping is not a main verb. Dropping is the participle form of the verb to drop. A participle can be part of a main verb only if it is used with a helping verb indicating tense: The children were dropping rocks down a hole in the garden. (past continuous tense) The children are dropping rocks down a hole in the garden. (present continuous tense) In the sentence under discussion, dropping has no helping verb so it cannot be the main verb in a clause. It is nonfinite. That means it does not indicate past, present, or future time. In the sample sentence, dropping introduces a participial phrase: dropping them back in the boxes. The participial phrase is used adjectively to describe Harry. Another feature of the simple sentence that sometimes causes confusion is the fact that a sentence may have a compound subject and/or a compound verb and still be a simple sentence: Mary and Jack live in Rhode Island. (compound subject, single verb) My father and all my uncles hunt in the fall and fish in summer. (compound subject, compound verb) In our sample sentence, Harry is the subject; bent down and picked up is a compound verb that says something about Harry. Harry dropping them back in the boxes is the complete subject and bent down and picked them up one by one is the complete predicate. Note: As long as the subject performs every action in the sentence, the sentence is a simple sentence. If two subjects perform different actions, the sentence will be a compound sentence. For example, Susy dropped the boxes and Harry picked them up. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should Know20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Dozen: Singular or Plural?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Multiple parts short answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Multiple parts short answer - Essay Example Low ph would, therefore, increase the growth of vibrio cholerae. With continue administration of lethal 50 dose, the bacteria in the body obtain a way to survive in its presence as they get used to it. They, therefore, produce molecules that are known as virulence factors, which enable them to colonize the host. The process occurs when the pathogenic bacteria, vibrio cholerae in this case spreads the virulence factors through the genetic elements that are mobile. The genes are transferred horizontally making the harmless genes obtain the harmful chromosomes from the vibrio cholerae. Through the process, the lethal dose 50% becomes ineffective and has to be changed. 1. Escherichia coli strain A and Escherichia coli strain B are structurally different in their amino acid composition. E. coli A has one polypeptide chain that contains 177 amino acids while the latter has 153 residues (Lowry et al, p 36). The higher weight of E. coli A makes it destructive to its host. 3. The symbiotic relationship between the host and the bacterial pathogen is through the way the host provides the bacteria a habitat and food. The bacterial pathogen facilitates normal physiology in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hunting Methods of Early Man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hunting Methods of Early Man - Research Paper Example The major distinguishing feature of Homo habilis is his ability to organize into groups. This idea became possible because of the development of language that eased communication and understanding (Leakey 3). The groupings build more strength and hunting became easier with increased chances of success and low risks of attacks from animals. It is in this stage that man began making and using tools from stones and this is why the name handyman becomes more appropriate in describing him. The tools facilitated the hunting process and made killing easier and this enabled him to start killing bigger animals for food. The tools also gave him an advantage and he could thus fight back in case of any aggression from some other animals. The tools also enabled him to split the prey into smaller pieces to easily, carry the meat to their proffered destination as well as in the preparation of the meat before consumption. This, therefore, enabled him to lead a more settled life compared to the earli er species. However, the man did not establish permanent settlements like towns and cities because from time to time he had to move from one place to another in search of animals to hunt (Leakey 3). Despite feeding on meat, the man also consumed fruits, leaves, roots, insects as well as birds and their eggs. The conditions prevailing in the environment sometimes forced him to resolve into omnivorous especially when there were no animals to hunt. The man hunted in groups, as the chances of succeeding were very low if one hunted alone. They, therefore, used to move together while ganging up on the prey killing with very great force. Homo habilis, just as the other earlier species of man was also a scavenger feeding on fruits and berries that he collected from his environment.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nursing in the Community Essay Example for Free

Nursing in the Community Essay In this assignment the topics discussed is a nursing problem related to a medical diagnosis taking from an example of a patient dealt with while the nursing student was out on clinical placement. For this assignment the patient has a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Kevin Brophy (pseudonym) is a 9 year old boy that had come into the Paediatric Unit. He is of the Roman Catholic religion. He lives with only his mother and she is educated about his disease of Diabetes. His mother’s sister is a nurse also and knew how to manage his Diabetes and looked after him if his mother was busy. The multidisciplinary team have been treating him for the condition for 4 years. He gets hospitalized often to regulate his blood sugar levels and monitor his insulin intake. The nursing problem associated with his diagnosis is related to his diet and nutritional status and being able to monitor these with caution and ease. The nurse had a form for filling out what had he eaten that day and what time this had happened at in the ‘end of bed’ chart which was with his other documentation such as his vital signs and also the fluid balance intake and output chat. There was also a section in this form for documenting what level his blood sugars were and was directed to take record of them after every meal. The nurse then had an idea  of what sort of food he was eating and also a report of his blood sugars which were monitored closely throughout the day. The nurses primary responsibility was to ensure this boy was eating correctly and following the dietary guidelines of a Diabetic patient. The model of assessment/care used to treat Kevin was devised from Roper, Logan and Tierney (1980). The Roper, Logan and Tierney’s’ activity of living (AL) model of nursing consists of twelve activities of living. According to Aggleton Chalmers (2000 P46), â€Å"Each AL specifies a relatively distinct type of human behaviour related to meeting a particular need.† Information was obtained from a booklet containing facts and advice on Diabetes and Healthy Eating from the Department of Health and Dietetics in Waterford Regional Hospital. This has described diabetes as a condition where the body is unable to control the amount of glucose i.e. sugar in the blood. Everyone’s blood has some glucose in it because your body needs glucose for energy. Normally your body breaks food down into glucose and sends it to the bloodstream. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps to get the glucose from the bloodstream into the cells to be used for energy. In people with Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas is not making enough insulin or is unable to use the insulin properly, or both. In people with Type 1 Diabetes, the pancreas is unable to make insulin full stop. Without insulin in the body, the blood glucose rises (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Waterford Regional Hospital 2006). To manage diabetes in paediatrics is primarily challenging and m uch more complicated than dealing with the diagnosis in adults with Diabetes (DH Diabetes Policy Team 2007, Christie et al 2009). Nurses have to educate and facilitate the self management of Diabetes and also introduce skills to gain the best possible control over the patient’s blood sugars i.e. glycaemic control. If these skills are not executed properly then diseases such as micro-vascular e.g. nephropathy or retinopathy or cardiovascular diseases (macro-vascular), which decreases the quality of life and a reduced life span (The Diabetes Control and Complications Study Group,1994). The nurses and patients responsibility is to monitor and control the intake of food and also be educated on what can have a negative or positive effect on the body. This is a major nursing problem associated with the Diabetic patient and  intervention by the nurse is necessary throughout. In doing so, the nurse must follow the Nursing Process in relation to their diet. Assessment Patients diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes are assessed for signs of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, including ketonuria, Kussmaul respirations, orthostatic hypotension, and lethargy. The patient is asked about symptoms of DKA, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Laboratory results are monitored for metabolic acidosis (i.e. decreased pH and decreased bicarbonate level) and for electrolyte imbalance. If the patient exhibits signs and symptoms of DKA, the nursing care first focuses on treatment of these acute complications, as outlined earlier. Once these complications are resolving, nursing care then focuses on long-term management of diabetes. The patients emotional status is assessed by observing his or her general demeanour (e.g., withdrawn, anxious) and body language (e.g., avoids eye contact). The patient is asked about major concerns and fears about diabetes; this allows the nurse to assess for any misconceptions or misinformation regarding diabetes. The nurse is also assessing th e vital signs of the patient such as temperature, respiration, blood pressure etc. and develops a baseline of these results. In this case the patients normal vital signs were as follows : Temperature- 36.4ââ€" ¦, Blood Pressure- 114/70, Respiration rate- 18 breaths per minute. Nursing Diagnosis Based on the assessment data, the main diagnoses the nurse must adhere to are as following: Risk for fluid volume deficit in relation to polyuria and dehydration, imbalanced nutrition related to imbalance of insulin, food, and physical activity. The main ones that are focussed on in this essay are the imbalance of insulin and the patient’s diet. Planning The major goals for the patient may include maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance, optimal control of blood glucose levels. The nurse would plan suitable charts and regimes for the patient to follow. Intake and  output are measured. IV fluids and electrolytes are administered as prescribed, and oral fluid intake is encouraged when it is permitted. Vital signs are monitored hourly for signs of dehydration (tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension) along with assessment of breath sounds, level of consciousness, presence of oedema, and cardiac status. If the patient agrees with the diet plan and increases his fruit and vegetable intake this can highly optimise nutritional health, promote a healthy image and reduce the chances of obesity (Lock et al., 2005). In Diabetes, diet is a chief obstacle in the control of the condition (Watson et. al 1997). The patient’s goals in agreeing with a healthy diet for their Diabetes are as follows: 1) To regulate and sustain lipid levels an d blood glucose back to their normal state. 2) To avoid fluctuations in their blood glucose levels during the day. 3) To manage and control a desirable body weight. 4) To prevent or hinder the growth or advancement of renal, neurological or cardiovascular difficulties (Watson et. al 1997). The nurse should introduce a dietary plan for the patient with the Diabetes. This controls the amount of calories that are needed for each day and the magnitude of these calories to be assigned to carbohydrate, protein and lipids. This is determined by a person’s age, weight, gender, activity and their dietary intake before they discovered the disease. In general, the amount of targeted calories allocated to each food type is in the region of 50-60% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein and under 30% of fat (Rees and Williams,1995). In the diet, the concentrated sugars should be strictly limited e.g. sweets, jam, cake, and should only represent a minute part of a meal to prevent rapid increase in the blood sugar levels. The unrefined carbohydrates such as whole-meal bread, fruit and vegetables, and also fibre-rich f oods, should be consumed as an alternative to the refined carbohydrates as mentioned before. Implementation Meal planning is put into practice, with the control of glucose as the primary goal. The nurse must consider factors before beginning to intervene such as the patients lifestyle, cultural background, activity level, and their food preferences. A suitable caloric intake allows the patient to achieve and maintain the desired body weight. The nurse would encourage the  patient to eat complete and wholesome meals including snacks that have been prescribed in the diet that the team has devised for Kevin. The nurse needs to take into consideration of the fluid intake and keeps records of IV and other fluid intake, also record urine output measurements. Hypoglycaemia is the most dreaded acute difficulty in the disease of Diabetes, and can be a major factor in the hindering of the metabolic control in the body. Night-time hypoglycaemia states, more common in the paediatric side of Diabetes, places an immense worry for the child themselves but also the parents, as it more likely to go unnot iced and care for (Nordfeldt S, Ludvigsson J 2005). Hypoglycaemia may occur if the patient skips or delays meals, does not follow the prescribed meal plan, or greatly increases the amount of exercise without modifying food intake and insulin. In addition, hospitalized patients or outpatients who fast in preparation for diagnostic testing are at risk for hypoglycaemia. Juice, milk, or glucose tablets are used for treatment of hypoglycaemia. The patient is encouraged to eat full meals and snacks as prescribed in the meal plan. If hypoglycaemia is a recurring problem, the whole dietary plan must be looked over and improved if needed. The risk of hypoglycaemia with rigorous insulin routines, it is of the utmost importance for the nurse to review with the patient the signs and symptoms, possible causes, and measures for prevention and treatment of hypoglycaemia. The nurse should emphasise to the patient and family the importance of having information on diabetes at home for reference. Evaluation After putting this plan into practice, the nurse found that it helped in the treatment and care of Kevin Brophy in managing and controlling his Diabetes. After following the Roper Logan and Tierney model of Nursing it helped understand his Activities of Daily Living and how the patient could work his new dietary plan into these ADL’s and control his blood glucose to prevent hypoglycaemia. Kevin will also be able to be knowledgeable of and carry out duties in a way to control his diabetes mellitus and also maintain adequate fluid volume in the body. He will be able to monitor his blood glucose periodically throughout the day, administer his own insulin, increase his own fluid balance and monitor his urine output. He should demonstrate a participation in activities that include having a proper diet, exercise and  lifestyle (Palandri, M.K. 1993). He also should be wary of and identify community, outpatient resources for obtaining further diabetes education. Conclusion To conclude, Kevin will need continuous assessment and advice on managing and controlling his Diabetes diagnosis. He will need support from his mother and also help from the multidisciplinary team that works with him and his mother in the hospital. In following the Roper Logan and Tierney model he will then be able to manage his ADL’s better and be more understanding with the condition of Diabetes. He will be able to control his dietary intake and follow a routine throughout life to deal with his diagnosis. References Aggleton, P., Chalmers, H. (2000)Nursing Models and Nursing Practice. (2nd edn). London: Macmillan. Lock, K., Pomerleau, J., Causer, L., Altmann, D.R. McKee, M. (2005) The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables. Bull. World. Health. Organ. 83, 100–8. Nordfeldt S, Ludvigsson J. Fear and other disturbances of severe Hypoglycaemia in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab. 2005; 18: 83–91. Palandri, M.K. and Sorrentino, C.R. (1993). Black and Matassarin – Jacobs, Pocket Companion for Luckmann and Sorensen’s Medical Surgical Nursing: A Psychophysiologic Approach. 4th Edition. W.B. Saunders. The Diabetes Control and complications Study Group (1994) Effect of intensive diabetes treatment on the development and progression of long-term complications in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. J. Pediatr. 125, 177–188. Waterford Regional Hospital (2006) Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Watson et. al (1997) Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences 5th edn. Bailliere Tindall, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX. Patricia Power Sorcha Dineen Miriam Cass 20053881 Patricia Chesser Smyth Nursing in the Community Module Leaders

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Salem Witch Trials Essay -- Witchcraft Salem Witch Trials History Essa

Salem Witch Trials Throughout history millions of people have been scorned, accused, arrested, tortured, put to trial and, persecuted as witches. One would think that by the time the United States was colonized, these injustices on humanity would have come to an end, but that was not so. In 1692 a major tragedy occurred in America, the Salem witch trials. It all began when a group of girls accused others, generally older women, of consorting with the devil. The witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts resulted from the strict Puritan code which aroused the girls interest in superstition and magic and caused strange behavior. The Salem witch trials were based on the Puritans and their God versus Satan and his followers and their strict codes. Puritans had always thought that they were the new chosen people, abandoning a land of sin and oppression to establish the Promised Land (New England). Puritans beliefs were rooted in contrasts. (1) They believed that if there was something good there was something bad to contradict it, for instance since there was a God, there must be a devil. Since there was good, there must be evil, and since there were saints chosen to do God’s work on earth, there must be witches who were instruments of the Devil. (2) So if someone did not believe in witches it was considered heresy in Salem. A witch was regarded as a person who had made an actual, deliberate, formal pact with Satan and would do all in her in power to aid him in his rebellion against God. (3) The Puritans believed that they were living in a world of chaos and crime, and directed their efforts to constantly guard against sin. (4) Life in Salem Village was not easy at the best of times. Gaiety and merrymaking were regarded as irreligious, and the people of the village were somber and severe. Their lives were spent in hard work and religious observance. Even their relaxation was associated with the meeting house. On the Sabbath there was a long service in the morning and another in the afternoon. Village residents who came from outlying farms were not able to get home before the services, and it gradually became a regular practice for the time before the services to be spent in visiting and conversation. This was the time when gossip and news were spread from one to another. (5) Children would accompany their parent... ...irley, The Witchcraft of Salem Village, Random House, New York, 1956,p.5. 8.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD.,1992, p13. 9.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD., 1992, p.12. 10.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD., 1992, p.86. 11.Jackson, Shirley, The Witchcraft of Salem Village, Random House, New York, 1956,p.17-18. 12.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD., 1992, p.86. 13.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD.,1992, p.81. 14.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD.,1992, p110. 15.Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. â€Å"Witchcraft.† 1996 16.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD., 1992, p.80. 17.Robinson, Enders, A. Salem Witchcraft and Hawthrone’s House, Heritage Books, Browie, MD, 1992, p.206.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Left For Dead Essay

It was a horrific experience that I would never want to go through again. At first it was just a normal night, a little rough but nothing too major. We were just off the coast of Leyte and Guam when we were hit by two missiles. At first I was just lying in bed and thought it was a problem with the engines until the abandon ship order was given. The abandon ship order is the worst nightmare for any seamen. There was nothing I could do except follow procedures, I woke all the other men that hadn’t been woken up yet and we rushed to the deck, grabbed a life jacket and waited until the ship was close enough to the water so that when we jumped we would not die on impact. Hitting water from high enough up is like hitting concrete. We dove into the water and swam as fast as we can could away from the sinking ship so that we didn’t get pulled under from the under tow. Once we were a safe distance away we hung onto the raft like our life depended on it. We had been told that a distress signal had been sent out and that it would only be a couple of hours before help arrived. Several hours later there was still no help and the first sign of sharks was when one of the singles was attacked and taken down within a matter of seconds. I tried not to think about the dangers lurking around but with so much time you could not help but run it through your mind. The hardest part was deciding whether to let the injured go or to keep them and risk the fact that they were attracting the sharks. After two days there was still no sign of help and many of us were beginning to get delusional. Men were swimming off because they thought they saw an island or hula girls. Others dehydrated themselves by drink the cold water at their feet because they thought it was fresh. On the third and fifth days there were only about 30 men left and some were wielding weapons and getting restless. Luckily we were able to convince them to let them go and continue to work together and live for as long as possible. Finally on the fifth day there was a sign of hope. There was a plane fly over at about 3000 ft. We began to wave wildly and light flares to get its attention, it flashed its lights at us and that was when we knew we would be saved. It sent out to the other ships and planes with our coordinates and rescue information. The biggest surprise to me was that it landed in the ocean. He managed to land safely and we started to pile into the plane and on the wings. The next sign was a ship, a little black dot on the horizon. That was when I had full hope that we would be rescued and could go home. The trauma that I have faced over the last several years is almost unbearable and has changed my life. Just recently my family and I took a trip to Maui and we were supposed to go on the submarine but I could not get it out of my mind that I was on the ship all over again and I was going to drown. Even the sound of running water gives me nightmares, making me feel like I’m swimming for my life in the water all over again. Immediately when I returned home I was put in psychology classes to try to get rid of my trauma or lower the affect. These classes have not made any difference and I have recently become an alcoholic to numb the pain. It puts me in a state of mind that helps me forget about what I went through. I know it is not a sane way to deal with it but my traumas have come to a point where I cannot handle them anymore. The Price Chapter 11 talks about the fight-or-flight response and relates it to a squirrel and a dog and a cat and a dog. Also, the traumas and what they were called at different time periods and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress. They also talk about what six people did when the arrived home and how they handled the disaster. The rest of the chapter is about the reunions that the survivors had and how they handled them.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

College Strictly Essay

The learned philosopher Aristotle maintains that the pursuit of learning belongs at the heart of what is means to be human. By nature, he states, all men desire to know, inasmuch as all men seek to understand all things on account of being awed (cited in Marias, 1967, p. 63) But what is especially onerous about the acquisition of knowledge is that it is an endeavor that comes not without a price – one has to accede to the rigors of correct logic, as indeed follow the standards of correct methodologies. For true knowledge does not lie on knowing why things are what they are, it is essentially about learning to weed the straws of falsity from the prolific seeds of truthfulness. If learning institutions – or a certain college, as a way to concretely cite the case in point – exist on account of the noble pursuit of higher learning, then it is only reasonable that, by right of mere logic, they be made to comply with their mandated educational standards, whose controlling vision seeks nothing less than the attainment of human excellence in all fields. For such reason, it has to be argued that the need to enforce, in a manner being rigorous but reasonable, educational standards to all learning institutions is certainly a case whose necessity is beyond question. In the first place, one needs to appreciate the fact that the end for which learning institutions are established rests on the reasoned premise that they exist at the service of higher learning. When an institution starts to lose sight of this sacred goal, it compromises altogether the very reason why it should, in the very first place, exist. For instance, when a college professor starts to yield to the temptation of lowering the bar of expectation and truncating the amount of demands relative to his or her course, in the hope of gaining approval from a majority of his or her students, it frustrates the noble goal of learning just the same. It, as a consequence, frustrates too the foundational premise that gives reason to a college’s continued operation. Moreover, it has to be acknowledged that complying with educational standards is, ultimately, a service to the larger society. An institution that strictly enforces its educational standard gives the society a select group of people who not only are experts in their respective fields, but also – more importantly so – are learned individuals unto whom the foundation of a great society rests. Conversely, a college that does not strictly comply with the stipulations of its mandated standard can produce students who, after being allowed to take education lightly, end up ill-trained and unprepared for their greater calling in the world. The very reason why students go to school is precisely to learn, and not to have fun; and this, the learning institution has to remember, must be observed even when it means giving the students reasons to work for attaining a certain expertise in their craft, all in the service of the society’s greater good. Work Cited Marias, J. (1967). History of Philosophy. New York, Dover Publications, Incorporated.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on Essentials of Life-Span DevelopmentEssay Writing Service

Essay on Essentials of Life-Span DevelopmentEssay Writing Service Essay on Essentials of Life-Span Development Essay on Essentials of Life-Span Development1) Middle adulthood can be defined either as a separate period of life cycle between the third and fourth decade of life, or as a period of life from 40 to 60 years old. It can be characterized by the intellectual, physiological, socio-political and psychological aspects of developmental age. In this period people should gain certain skills and abilities to acquire positive life experience for the next stage of life. Physiological aspect is described by decrease of physical strength, endurance and attractiveness, the height diminishes after 30 years. The weight of men is stabilizing at this period, while women can gain in weight till the age of 54. Learning abilities of a person begin to come down continuously till 60 years. In middle adulthood people are perceived as members of society that contribute in life quality in agricultural and industrial spheres. So called midlife crisis can be caused by awareness of lost time: it is too late to change job, family life, habits, and his actual life does not satisfy a person.2) The complication of society in the 20th and 21st centuries leads to creation of more and more social subgroups. Each subgroup has its own morality rates (i.e. flirtation, natural in a nightclub is unacceptable at work). Moral becomes more complicated, it depends on circumstances. The scale of discrimination decreases: we apply â€Å"our† morality rates to people of another race, faith, sexual orientation etc. On the other hand, relations between parents and children remind relations between good friends. Morality rates also have changed in the result of technological and economic progress: food abundance depraves people; they throw away surpluses because it is not in short supply any more. The same happens to the air and water: no one thinks about it because there are no problems in this respect. Humanization of society is accompanied by growth of freedom in the morality: for instance, sex is no t regulated with moral any more.3) Fluid intelligence is the ability to apprehend relationships regardless of previous particular experience or precept concerning those relationships. Crystallized intelligence is accumulated knowledge that comes from past experiences and previous learning.4) Nowadays failing industries and ailing economy cause plural changes in careers of people. These changes force people to look for new jobs and sometimes even to change the field of work. To resist these challenges, it is important to utilize the contacts acquired at the previous job and to choose an industry to work in. A person should remember that some professions are harder to get in later in life. Sometimes new certifications are required.5) The main need for meaning that guide people is happiness. Happy people enjoy their lives, they do not ask themselves such questions as â€Å"what for do I live?† Therefore, the question of meaning occurs when a person is unhappy. He is unrealized i n life and cannot find himself. A person can fulfill himself by finding his feet and after that he can become happy. Another need for meaning consists in people’s health: when a person understands the point of his life, he has a reason to take care of his health. There are also such needs for meaning as search of one’s place in the world, person’s influence on reality and goal-setting.CHAPTER 141) Contemporary life-events approach to development emphasizes the process of a life event’s influence on the individual’s development. It depends also on mediating factors, adaptation of an individual to the life event, life-stage context and socio-historical context.2)The cohort effects is a particular effect that unites a special group of people whose members have similar experiences, were born approximately at the same time, the same demographic tendencies influenced on them and they were exposed to identical events in society. The social clock is a spec ific timetable or set of norms that defines the age of a person when certain events happen (starting school, getting married, having children, retiring and so on).3) Costa and McCrae’s study is based on universality. Five personality traits were singled out (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness). It was found that these five traits are remarkably universal for different cultures. A study (it included people from more than 50 cultures) identified that these traits can be used to describe personality. Extraversion includes high amount of emotional expressiveness, excitability, loquacity, sociability, self-confidence. Conscientiousness has such common features as purposeful behavior, high level of thoughtfulness and good impulse control. People with such a trait tend to be mindful of details and organized. Agreeableness includes altruism, affection, kindness, confidence. People high in neuroticism tend to experience concern, emotional instabil ity, melancholy, irritation, moodiness. Openness is characterized with insight, wide circle of interests, imagination.4) George Vaillant based his study (it was male-biased) of personality through adulthood on Erikson’s stages for midlife and older adulthood. Having studied 268 undergraduates till they were in their sixties, Vaillant found significant growth of personality and change over the adult years. Vaillant named four styles of personality’s adapting to the environment (mature, immature, psychotic and neurotic). People with mature style use altruism and humor to adapt to the environment. Those with immature style react to stress with psychosomatic symptoms. Distortion of reality is typical for psychotic style. People with neurotic style rationalize and repress negative emotions. Also Vaillant found that core personality traits tend to remain fairly stable in adulthood.5) Grandparents can play different roles in children’s education. The styles of grandpar enting depend on the roles they play. There are such styles as â€Å"distant person† (communicate with grandchildren only on holydays or family meetings), â€Å"roots† (pay a great interest to grandchildren without interfering in their education), â€Å"inventive person† (see themselves as the main organizers of fun for grandchildren but avoid more serious interaction with them), â€Å"valued elder† (provide information for grandchildren as well as for children), â€Å"surrogate parent† (take the biggest part of parents’ duties). Of course, modern profile of grandparents changes because of the social development (a lot of grandparents prefer continue their careers rather than spend time with children). But anyway, grandparent’s attitude depends on their personality. A lot of them continue to take care of grandchildren, stay with children in the evenings, letting parents go out for some time. Grandparents broaden children’s soci al outlook, give them some part of their rich experience.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Best Music for Studying - 20 Songs

The Best Music for Studying - 20 Songs    According to Nick Perham, a researcher published in Applied Cognitive Psychology, the best music for studying is none at all, which is sure to make all the music aficionados upset to hear.  Perham recommends complete quiet or ambient noise, like a soft conversation or muted traffic for the optimal study background. Websites like and apps like White Noise have millions of users testifying to the fact that ambient noise helps people focus and study. But purveyors of white noise have an equal number of music lovers who would beg to disagree.   Some people, despite Perhams research, believe that music is a must for studying everything from the SAT to the MCAT. They believe that music can really enhance the study experience since music brightens peoples moods and increases positive feelings - both of which are important factors for successful study. Lyric-Free Music Music researchers do agree on one thing, however: music for studying should be free from lyrics, so the songs arent competing for your brains memory space.   The individual songs listed below can give you an idea of the wide range of lyric-free study music available to you. There is an entire  world  out there dedicated to study music that you may have never even heard about. Try Pandora and Spotify stations by genre and artist and download the music apps to help you focus on your studies and NOT on the sweet beats of the songs.   20 Songs for Studying These twenty songs represent a wide variety in musical genres. Everything from classical music by Mozart to covers by Modern Rock Heroes is listed, hopefully hitting a lyric-free genre youd be willing to crack open the books to.   Song: Adagio from Serenade No. 10 in B Flat Major for Thirteen Winds Gran Partita ListenArtist: Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSong: Aloha Ia O Waianae ListenArtist:  Ledward KaapanaSong: Be Still My SoulArtist: David NevueSong: Blues After Hours ListenArtist: Pee Wee CraytonSong: Braveheart Film Score ListenArtist: James HornerSong: Concerto for Violin, String and Harpsichord in C R. 190 I. AllegroArtist: Antonio VivaldiSong: Desfinado ListenArtist: Stan GetzSong: Here Comes The Sun ListenArtist: Piano Music SongsSong: In The Shadow Of Your Wings ListenArtist:  John TeshSong: Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet ListenArtist: Henry ManciniSong: Palladio ListenArtist:  EscalaSong: Étude-Tableau in C Major, Op. 33, No. 2 ListenArtist: RachmaninoffSong: Sigh Listen to SighArtist: PrafulSong: Silence Magnifies Sound ListenArtist: The Six Parts SevenSong: So Long, Lonesome ListenArtist: Explosions in The SkySong: South Street ListenArtist:  Bobby Ross Avila and NaturalSong: Take Five Lis tenArtist: Dave Brubeck Song: Viva La Vida ListenArtist:  Modern Rock HeroesSong: Whiskey Before Breakfast ListenArtist: Doc WatsonSong: You Wish ListenArtist:  Nightmares on Wax

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Practice of Do Not Resuscitate, Pros and Cons Essay

Practice of Do Not Resuscitate, Pros and Cons - Essay Example There are some cases where a medical decision to cease treatment accords with moral principles but may nevertheless invite legal censure as in the case of withholding unduly burdensome life-prolonging treatment from severely disabled newborns or severely brain-injured adults. Longitudinal Research 'describes what can be defined as the minimum common denominator of a family of those methods which tell us about change at the individual micro level" (Ruspini 3). The advantage of longitudinal data is that it suggests important cross-cultural differences in the presence of flat affect while methodological questions remain as to precisely how flat affect was assessed. The cross-cultural variation in emotional experience and expression generally and in "Do Not Resuscitate" patients specifically render the culturally valid assessment of flat affect a complicated undertaking. A medical decision to continue treating a patient may accord with a reasonable body of medical opinion, be legal (as in cases where patients have been deemed rationally incompetent under a mental health act), yet be quite unethical if the patient has expressly stated a wish not to be treated, and if this expressed wish, contrary to popular medical opinion, is not 'irrational' (Baker and Stro sberg 22). Death is of particular cultural and sociolinguistic concern insofar as the language and ethnicity of the individual conducting the psychiatric assessment may differ from those of the patient. Certainly a desire to die can be expected to vary substantially in relation to culturally constituted capacities such as self, agency, motivation, and the meaning of purposeful action. "longitudinal research is often undertaken precisely in order to identify social change and its correlates" (Bryman 71). In addition to the usual methods of cross-tabulations, comparisons of means between groups, correlation and regression analysis, there are some special methods that are particularly useful for the analysis of longitudinal data. The following are special methods which can be used to analyze data from our longitudinal studies: (a) age, period, and cohort analysis; (b) change graphs; (c) residual change analysis; and (d) longevity difference (Devine and Heath 63). A cross-sequential design is necessary to separate out the effects of age, period, and cohort. The essential steps are: first, the data must be arranged so that the time interval between times of measurement must equal the number of years in each birth cohort; second, each of the three types of differences must be measured: longitudinal (difference between earlier and later measurements on the same cohort), cross-sectional difference between cohorts at the same point in time), and time-lag (difference between earlier measurem ent on an older cohort and later measurement on a younger cohort); third, inference about the effects contained in these differences are based on the fact that each difference is composed of two effects: longitudinal difference equals age plus period; cross-sectional difference equals age plus cohort; and time-lag difference equals period minus cohort (Bryman 73). If there are no significant differences it is usually